Thursday, October 2, 2008

Joe Biden VS. Elly Mae Clampett

Hey it’s debate night!

The real Sarah Palin:

This is going to make for an awkward Thanksgiving:

Someone who knows what it’s like to debate Palin:

I expect if Palin looks bad tonight it’s on to plan B. That involves Levi Johnston the redneck who knocked up Palin’s daughter (laying pipe in Alaska). Levi will have to take one for the team and have a televised wedding with Bristol Palin. The GOP will kick in enough money to rival Princess Diane’s wedding. Dick Cheney can bring his shotgun.

Hockey mom’s against Palin (funny):

McCain lies about his about his earmarks (read pork):

The new bailout bill porks up the old one:

The possible November Surprise:

CEO’s laugh all the way as they leave the bank. A slide show:

I say, "Mr. bush tear down that Wall (Street)."

Brother Mike Stout sings about the people who have the power for change (it’s us):

Mike Stout will be the featured performer at WYSU’s annual Folk Festival concert on Friday, November 7, 2008 at 8:00 PM. Charles Darling will host the evening’s event, which will take place in Peaberry’s Café in Youngstown State University’s Kilcawley Center. Admission will be free and open to all.

Info here:WYSU

If you haven’t heard Mike you owe it to yourself to be there. If you’ve heard Mike I know you will be there.

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